The liturgical life of the Cathedral is a beacon of faith and light to not only the Cathedral Parish but to the entire Archdiocese of Boston. Nurturing the faithful through joyful prayer and song, the various choirs of the Cathedral assists the community in uplifting their voices in praise to God. As St. Augustine says, “Music is for the one who loves.”
There are several choirs at the Cathedral you may join. If you love to sing, please e-mail Richard Clark or speak to him after Mass. Through your prayer and through your song, you may affect people in ways you may never know. We look forward to hearing from you!
Under the direction of Richard J. Clark, the Cathedral Choir sings at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays, Holy Days, and, special Archdiocesan liturgical celebrations with the Archdiocesan Choir. The Cathedral and Archdiocesan Choirs model the ideals of sacred music espoused by Vatican II, singing music that spans centuries — from Gregorian Chant and Renaissance Polyphony to sacred treasures of the Twenty-First Century. Please e-mail Richard Clark to schedule an audition.
Directed by Richard J. Clark, the Archdiocesan Choir consists of the Cathedral Choir plus dozens of singers and musicians from all over the Archdiocese of Boston. This often includes children aged nine through high school forming the Archdiocesan Youth Choir.
This choir performs several times during the year at special liturgical celebrations with His Eminence Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley. These are regularly televised on Catholic TV. This includes ordinations of priests and deacons, the Chrism Mass, and the Rite of Election among other liturgies. They have also sung at concerts and even the National Anthem at Fenway Park. Rehearsals are announced depending upon the event. For more information please e-mail Richard Clark.
Under the direction of John Salisbury, the Schola Amicorum sings at the Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form). High Mass with Gregorian Propers, chant and polyphony are celebrated each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and Holy Days. For more information please e-mail John Salisbury or see him after Mass.
El coro español canta en la misa de las 9:30 am los domingos y días santos dirigido por William Maldonado. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a William Maldonado.
Richard J. Clark | Cathedral Music Director and Organist
Richard J. Clark is the Director of Music of the Archdiocese of Boston and Director of Music and Organist of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
As Director of Music of the Archdiocese, Mr. Clark will oversee music at archdiocesan liturgies as well as provide leadership and guidance to parish music programs and archdiocesan liturgical projects.
Prior to his appointment at the Cathedral in September 2018, Richard J. Clark served Saint Cecilia Parish in Boston for 28 years where he oversaw a diverse and thriving parish music program. He also served Boston College and the Jesuit Community as Organist and Cantor at Saint Mary’s Chapel since 2004. Furthermore, he has served the Archdiocese in numerous liturgical projects, conferences, and liturgies.
Over the years, he has served the Archdiocese of Boston in numerous liturgies, conferences, and liturgical projects, including directing the Office of Divine Worship Saint Cecilia Schola in recordings of the Roman Missal Chants from the Roman Missal, Third Edition.
The Boston Musical Intelligencer hails his “compelling,” and “emotionally committed” organ playing. The Boston Globe calls the music of the Cathedral Choir “stirring” and “profound.” The American Organist magazine praises Gregorian Impressions for its “engaging developments,” and Ministry & Liturgy Magazine has called his music “transformative” as well as “expertly arranged and prayerfully sung.”
As a composer, his liturgical, choral, and organ works have been performed worldwide and are published by World Library Publications, Lorenz/The Sacred Music Press, CanticaNOVA Publications, RJC Cecilia Music, and Corpus Christi Watershed. As performer and composer his eclectic appearances include St. Patrick’s Cathedral (NY), Saint-Eustache (Paris), the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (D. C.), the Celebrity Series of Boston, Fenway Park, and the New York Songwriters Circle at NYC’s historic “The Bitter End.”
He also appears with trumpeter Richard Kelley on RJC Cecilia Records of his 2012 Requiem pour une américaine à Paris, and the 2022 release Fearfully and Wonderfully Made CD which includes a collaboration with GRAMMY-nominated poet E. Ethelbert Miller on the track "If My Blackness Turns to Fruit." His 2021 release of the Boston Cathedral Singers From the Bell Tower has been featured on Rome Reports TV, and SIRIUS XM’s Sounds from the Spires with Dr. Jennifer Pascual. He has also served as conductor for Pueri Cantores and on the faculty of the Sacred Music Symposium in Los Angeles, California. He has been a featured speaker and performer for National Pastoral Musicians (NPM) national meetings. He currently serves on the Executive Board of the National Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC).Mr. Clark lives with his wife and four children in Milton, Massachusetts.
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BOSTON – A beacon of light during the height of the pandemic, four singers at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross sought artistic refuge in the Cathedral bell tower where its bells toll each day.
The tower’s most unusual acoustic properties were miraculously friendly to singers forced to wear masks and stand far away from each other. Each week immediately after Mass at the Cathedral, they made a new recording.
Several months later, the album From the Bell Tower is the result.