Sunday . 20 October | 4.00 pm
Freewill offering at the Door
Performing works by MacMillian, Byrd, Bruckner, Poulenc, Palestrina, and othersSunday . 27 October | 3.00 pm
Tickets are available online hereand at the door.
Suggested Donation $30 | $15 Seniors & Students
17 and under FREE
The Cathedral of the Holy Cross continues the longstanding tradition! Thirty-fifth Annual Cathedral Organ Benefit Recital for the historic 101-rank 1875 E & GG Hook & Hastings Organ, Opus 801.
Several of New England's notable organists will perform a variety of works on the historic pipe organ of 5,292 pipes.
• Leo Abbott, Cathedral Music Director & Organist Emeritus
• Dr. Janet Hunt, International Concert Artist
• Sarah Ku • Organ Scholar, Groton School
• Rosalind Mohnsen, Immaculate Conception, Malden
• Peter Krasinski, International Sonic Artist
• Richard J. Clark, Director of Music of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
Andrew E. Clarkson, Director
Sunday . 15 . December . 2024 | 3.00 pm
Tickets are availble online here and at the door.
$20 General Admission $10 Seniors 7 Students
17 & Under are FREE
Founded in 2006, the Copley Singers have appeared throughout New England. In Sept, 2011 they represented MA at the 9/11 tenth commemorative concerts at Trinity Church, Wall Street, NYC, and were critically-acclaimed by the NY Times (more information on